Thirty-One Things to do for Small Press Month For Small Presses & Independent Publishers

The Small Press Month website suggests 31 ways to celebrate and publicize your small press, one for each day of the month. Some examples: Contact your local bookstore or library and suggest they put together a special display for National Small Press Month; Suggest that your local bookstore offer a discount off Small Press titles this month; Contact the Book Review editor at your local daily newspaper about any events that you plan, and et in touch with weekly papers and magazines in your area about readings or events.
See the entire list of Thirty-One Things to do for Small Press Month
March is National Small Press Month
Focus on "The Rest of the Publishing World"
National Small Press Month is an annual celebration of the independent spirit of small publishers and a showcase of the diverse, unique voices being published by them today. March 2006 marks Small Press Month's tenth year of this nationwide promotion highlighting the valuable work produced by independent book publishers. This year's slogan is "Books Beyond the Obvious."As large, international conglomerates take over an ever-increasing share of the publishing industry, there are more and more independent and smaller publishers who go against the current, raise new ideas, and challenge the status quo. One author who believes in supporting these publishers is Kurt Vonnegut. He chose an independent publisher -- Seven Stories Press -- to release his latest book, A Man Without a Country. In addition, Vonnegut has provided a self-portrait to be used for 2006's colorful Small Press Month poster, along with this quote: "You have to have somebody to write for. You can't just open the window and make love to the world." Fittingly, independent presses are providing a forum for the work of unique writers to reach their audience.
The Rest of Us 2003, a study conducted by PMA, the Independent Book Publishers Association, illustrates the vital role that small presses play in the industry. The study found that the over 80,000 publishers in the smaller publisher base account for nearly 30 billion dollars in annual book sales. Jan Nathan, Executive Director of PMA, says: "The entrepreneurial spirit and pride of the independent publishers is evident in each and every title they produce. Whether the sale is 1,000, 10,000 or 100,000, the pride of supplying readers with information and entertainment specifically developed for them cannot be matched anywhere else." Independent presses are publishing unknown authors, enhancing the careers of established writers, constantly taking risks, exploring innovative ideas and, through their diverse titles, reaching new audiences.
Jeffrey Lependorf, Executive Director of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses agrees: "If you're looking for literature, small presses and literary magazines are where you'll find it-it's the little guys taking the risks, uncovering the new voices, and providing readers with access to virtually all of the new poetry and works in translation being published today."
Karin Taylor, Executive Director of the Small Press Center added: "Now, more than ever, is the time to celebrate the 'Davids' who are competing with the 'Goliaths.' Independent publishing is something to be celebrated every day, but the month of March provides an encouraging reminder to bring 'Books Beyond the Obvious' to the public's attention."
The Small Press Center, PMA, and CLMP (The Council of Literary Magazines and Presses) are the co-sponsors of National Small Press Month. Other supporters include Biblio Distribution, Book Sense, Seven Stories Press, American Booksellers Association, The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, ForeWord Magazine, National Book Network, and Small Press Distribution. In addition, generous support was provided by, Ingram Publishing Services, R.J. Communications, and particularly BookExpo America. We would also like to thank Kurt Vonnegut for his participation in supporting Small Press Month by allowing us to use his self-portrait and quote on this year's eye-catching poster, sure to become a collector's item.
What's happening during National Small Press Month?
Celebrate National Small Press Month 2006!