ABA Announces Bookselling This Week Online
Last hard copy issue of BTW will be published on January 7, 2002
At its recent meeting in Santa Cruz, California, the ABA Board approved a plan to significantly improve the delivery of an expanded range of business-related information to members. A key facet of the new initiative will be to focus on the digital delivery of a more timely and expanded Bookselling This Week. In addition, the new plans call for the launch of a fully searchable version of the Book Buyer's Handbook accessible via the Internet.Under the Board-approved plan, beginning in January for the first time there will be a section of BookWeb.org exclusively dedicated to Bookselling This Week, where breaking news will be posted and updated throughout the week. (BookWeb.org's other resources will continue for ABA members.) In addition, readers who currently receive Book Flash This Week--and all new subscribers--will receive a redesigned and enhanced weekly e-mail issue of Bookselling This Week.
Bookselling This Week online will launch on January 10, 2002. The last hard copy issue of BTW will be published on January 7, 2002. There will be no charge for the new digital delivery of Bookselling This Week.
"A very important aspect of the ABA strategic plan is the timely delivery of accurate information to our members," said ABA CEO Avin Mark Domnitz, "and Bookselling This Week online will allow the association to provide booksellers and a growing number of others in the industry an expanded array of breaking news and important bookselling-related features."
The new e-mail will arrive each Thursday afternoon, a day earlier than the current ABA Flash This Week. Also on Thursdays readers can access the latest Book Sense Bestseller List on Bookselling This Week online, only two days after the data are received from reporting bookstores. The Bestseller List will also be redesigned, and will feature an expanded range of children's and specialty titles.
All current ABA Flash subscribers will receive the new, expanded digital version of Bookselling This Week. Other current subscribers of the hard copy version of BTW are encouraged to go to www.BookWeb.org/products/5205 to sign up for Bookselling This Week online. There is no fee, and all members of the publishing industry are encouraged to subscribe.