AAP Convention includes Fifth Annual Meeting for Small and Independent Publishers

"Going Beyond...Getting Past the Basics of Publishing"
The AAP Committee for Smaller and Independent Publishers is proud to present its Fifth Annual Meeting, which takes place in conjunction with AAP's General Annual Meeting. This year's theme is "Going Beyond...Getting Past the Basics of Publishing" and takes place on February 26, 2003, at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC.



* GOING TO THE EDGE - MARKETING KEYNOTE ADDRESS You've got a good backlist; you've just finished a new frontlist; you're working on the next list; and you're thinking about future lists. What else could you be thinking about?

* GOING BEYOND PAPER AND INK You have your books in print, now how to capitalize on the various alternative formats that are available? Find out how to increase your sales with audio, digital, and print-on-demand books; negotiating deals for movies and television; and making creative use of licensing opportunities.

* WORKING LUNCHEON WITH ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS & NETWORKING Networking continues through lunch with speakers hosting roundtable discussions. With fewer than eight people at each table, you'll have the chance to talk directly with the speakers of your choice and share ideas with your fellow publishers.

* GOING BEYOND THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE We know that more and more Latinos are purchasing books in the United States, creating a huge new market for publishers of all sizes. In two information-packed sessions, speakers will discuss how you can effectively reach this critical audience for your books. Learn how to market Spanish-language titles; how best to get them distributed and reviewed; and how to get shelf space for them in the bookstore.

* GOING BEYOND TRADITIONAL MARKETING TECHNIQUES There are a vast number of nontraditional ways to market your books. Speakers will address grassroots efforts such as local, national, international, and specialized trade shows; how to reach a wider audience through web marketing; making the most of your promotional materials; and looking beyond the United States to increase sales opportunities.

* COCKTAIL RECEPTION AND NETWORKING Networking continues into the evening at the cocktail reception, attended by General Annual Meeting registrants and members of Congress.

OPTIONAL AAP DINNER ($85.00 additional with advance reservation required) AAP Honors Award will be presented to Oprah Winfrey, Chairman, Harpo, Inc.

AAP Member Cost: $150 - Non Member Cost: $230

For More Information Contact:
Anne Garinger
Ph: 212-255-0200 ext. 262
E-mail: agaringer@publishers.org