2003 Fall Regional Trade Show Schedule
Here is a list of the fall regional booksellers association trade shows:* Mid-South Independent Booksellers Association: September 4 - 7, Austin, Texas. For further information, call (281) 656-2130, fax (281) 656-2140, e-mail andy@msiba.org; http://www.msiba.org/.
* Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association: September 18 - 20, Portland, Oregon. For further information, call (541) 683-4363, fax (541) 683-3910, e-mail info@pnba.org; http://www.pnba.org/.
* Southeast Booksellers Association: September 19 - 21, Jekyll Island, Georgia. For further information, call (803) 252-7755, fax (803) 252-8589, e-mail sebajewell@aol.com; http://www.sebaweb.org/.
* New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association: September 21 - 22, Atlantic City, New Jersey. For further information, call (516) 333-0681, fax (516) 333-0689, e-mail info@naiba.com; www.naiba.com.
* Mountains & Plains Booksellers Association: October 2 - 5, Denver, Colorado. For further information, call (970) 484-5856, fax (970) 407-1479, e-mail lisa@mountainsplains.org; http://www.mountainsplains.org/.
* Great Lakes Booksellers Association: October 3 - 5, Dearborn, Michigan. For further information, call (800) 745-2460 or (616) 847-2460, fax (616) 842-0051, e-mail glba@books-glba.org; http://www.books-glba.org.
* Northern California Independent Booksellers Association: October 3 - 5, Oakland, California. For further information, call (415) 561-7686, fax (415) 561-7685, e-mail office@nciba.com; http://www.nciba.com/ .
* Upper Midwest Booksellers Association: October 10 - 12, St. Paul, Minnesota. For further information, call (800) 784-7522 or (612) 926-5868, fax (612) 926-6657, e-mail UMBAoffice@aol.com; http://www.abookaday.com/.
* Southern California Booksellers Association Authors Feast & Fall Seminars: October 25, Pasadena, California. For further information, call (626) 791-9455, fax (626) 791-6255, e-mail scba@earthlink.net. * New England Booksellers Association: October 25 - 26, Providence, Rhode Island. For further information, call (800) 466-8711 or (617) 576-3070, fax (617) 576-3091, e-mail rusty@neba.org; http://www.newenglandbooks.org/.