Artists for Literacy Launches 3rd Annual Songwriting Competition
The Competition Has Begun! Artists For Literacy uses the language of music to inspire people to read and write. Your songs inspired by literature (SIBLs) are the link between books and those who have difficulty reading them. Winning songs will be promoted and featured on a CD/DVD to be distributed in across the US through schools, libraries, and stores.Open date: October 25, 2003
Close date: April 5, 2004
This year, the contest has been modified to work more effectively with the CD/DVD learning tool that we are creating. First and foremost, we are looking for songs inspired by TEN specific books (chosen by students and teachers from around the country). If your SIBL wins, it will be featured on a CD/DVD that will reach thousands of students in high school, college, and throughout the literacy community. If you submit a song that is based on one of the TEN BOOKS listed - the $20 entry fee will be waived. We know some of you have songs inspired by books not on the list. To enter such songs for our one "mystery book" slot, please send a $20 entry fee along with your application.