Academy of American Poets Launches National Poetry Almanac
Online Celebration of National Poetry Month 2004
On April 1, 2004, the Academy of American Poets will launch a web-based National Poetry Almanac that will provide 365 days' worth of poetry highlights, activities, ideas, and history for individual exploration and classroom use. "The National Poetry Almanac will help extend the celebration of poetry from April to all year round," observes Executive Director Tree Swenson. The Academy of American Poets established April as National Poetry Month in 1996.Readers of the Alamanac in April will discover 30 ways to celebrate National Poetry Month. During the month on Poetic Schools & Movements, visitors can find out more about the Beats, the New York School, Black Mountain poets, among others. Poetic forms & techniques such as the sonnet, the sestina, and the ghazal will be explained and illustrated during the year, while poems for all occasions, including weddings and funerals, will be recommended. Visitors to during April will be invited to nominate their favorite poetry landmarks, like the birthplaces of Langston Hughes and Robert Frost.
Through its informative and entertaining daily entries, the National Poetry Almanac will provide a starting place for you to learn more about poetry, its fascinating history, and its dynamic present.