IP Notables

Bumbling Through Hong Kong

Kakibubu Media Limited; Chai Wan, Hong Kong SAR; www.kakibubu.com; 144 page softcover; $12.95 (May 2013); ISBN: 978-988-18066-7-3

With its comic book reminiscent approach, Tom Schmidt’s Bumbling Through series presents pertinent and often overlooked information in a reader friendly way through various adventures around the globe.  Light manneredly evoking a desire to learn more from a global perspective, these books are perfect, offering a fun take for the traditional nonfiction reader.  Bumbling through Hong Kong takes us to another land, full of energy, rich in culture and bursting with productivity!

Productivity is not all this destination is bursting with.  This ever growing population continues to cloud its landscape and waters with unregulated production practices.  Through this candid tale of a traveling trio, Schmidt sheds light on the grave challenges faced by a perpetual, booming civilization.  Wrapped up in an intriguing mystery are the underlying issues that have resulted from such an exploding evolution.  And as the mystery unfolds, unraveled are pages of esteemed non-fiction.  Relevant to the health of our planet, these issues affect us all.  This eye opening, fact filled adventure is just the right mix of information and entertainment.

