The IPPY Effect

Here are some articles from the IndependentPublisher Online archives, describing how book awards can help you promote and sell more books. * * * * * * The IPPY Effect I Book Awards Benefit Publishers in Many Ways * * * * * * The IPPY Effect II Outstanding Book of the Year Winner SKYLIGHT PATHS: Awards Recognize Books that Explore Spirituality and Inspire Youth * * * * * * The IPPY Effect III Wear Your Award Proudly by Nina L. Diamond * * * * * * The IPPY Effect IV Turn Over Every Marketing Rock by Nina L. Diamond * * * * * * The IPPY Effect V How Book Awards Garner Foreign Rights Sales by Jacqueline Church Simonds * * * * * * The IPPY Effect VI A Marketing Conversation with 2008 IPPY Winner Leo Shelton by Nina L. Diamond * * * * * * The IPPY Effect VII A Conversation with IPPY Winner Steve Bergman (aka Samuel Shem) by Nina L. Diamond * * * * * * The IPPY Effect VIII A Conversation with 2009 IPPY Awards Gold Medalist Janet Horvath by Nina L. Diamond * * * * * *
IPPY Awards 2010 Press Page
National Press Release and Helpful Links
======================FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Move Over Tea Party - Independent Publishers are the REAL Freedom Fighters
May 20, 2010 – New York, NY – The Tea Party is grabbing the headlines and Sarah Palin’s book made the bestseller list, but if you’re truly interested in change, read books from independent publishers. So say the organizers of the 14th annual Independent Publisher Book Awards, to be presented on May 25th to kick off the annual BookExpo America convention. Conducted each year to honor the year's best independently published books, the “IPPY” awards are known for recognizing excellence in a broad range of subjects from Economics and Erotica, and for measuring the pulse of America’s socio-politics.
Independent book publishing is extremely diverse, in both style and geography. This year’s awards attracted 3,890 entries, and the medalists represent 42 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, seven Canadian provinces, and six countries overseas. Launched in 1996 as the first unaffiliated awards program open exclusively to independent, university, and self-published titles, the 2010 IPPY Awards will be presented to winners at a gala celebration in New York on Tuesday, May 25th. Winners in 67 national and 20 regional categories will receive gold, silver and bronze medallions and foil seals for their book covers.
“Independent publishers are the truth tellers,” says awards director Jim Barnes. “They aren’t afraid to stir things up and expose injustice. To these publishers, telling the truth and fighting for a cause comes before making a profit. Luckily, readers respond to a heart-felt call for change when it’s done with honesty and creativity. These are the books that win our awards and these are the books that can help solve the world’s social, political and economic problems.”
The awards annually name 12 Outstanding Books of the Year, recognizing titles that “take chances and break new ground” in categories such as Most Likely to Save the Planet and Storyteller of the Year. This year’s recipients represent some of the English-speaking world’s most daring and distinctive writing and publishing. Two books were named Freedom Fighter of the Year: Why We Serve: A Portrait of the Army National Guard puts names and faces on the men and women “citizen soldiers” who’ve been deployed to fight terrorism around the world, while Plundering Appalachia: The Tragedy of Mountaintop-Removal Coal Mining highlights another kind of war, one between big coal companies and citizen-activists trying to save their mountains, forests and streams from devastation.
See complete 2010 Independent Publisher Book Awards results:
The IPPY Awards are presented by, the “voice of independent publishing” operated by publishing services firm Jenkins Group of Traverse City, Michigan. Publishing media are invited to attend the IPPY Awards celebration on Tuesday night before BookExpo America.
For more details about the Awards, to attend the event, or to interview recipients, please contact:
Jim Barnes, Managing Editor & Awards Director
Independent Publisher Online/Jenkins Group / Ph: 1.800.644.0133 x1011
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Congratulations to all medalists in the 2010 Independent Publisher Book Awards!
We appreciate your participation in this year’s Awards, and hope it’s a big boost to your book marketing and sales efforts. You may purchase extra seals, certificates, medals, and electronic versions of the medal artwork at the IPPY Awards merchandise page:>
• Seals are available in rolls of 250 and 1000
• You may order additional certificates with customized wording
• Hi-res versions of the seal artwork are available for reproducing on book covers and promotional materials
To pay by check, download this mail or fax-in merchandise form:
Here are some other helpful links:
IPPY Awards national press release:
IPPY Awards "IP" logo artwork:
White paper entitled "Using Book Awards to Boost Your Book Sales":
Targeted Media Release program -
A comprehensive media index and press release service offered by Jenkins Group to deliver maximum exposure to regional and national media contacts at a fraction of the cost of traditional publicity campaigns.
Review Direct -
A newsletter that goes to nearly 35,000 public and university librarians and approximately 3,200 independent bookstores across the United States. This very important group of buyers needs to know about your title and about your prestigious award.
IPPY Awards blurb:
The Independent Publisher Book Awards were conceived in 1996 as a broad-based, unaffiliated awards program open to all members of the independent publishing industry. The awards are intended to bring increased recognition to the thousands of exemplary independent, university, and self-published titles produced each year, and reward those who exhibit the courage, innovation, and creativity to bring about change in the world of publishing.
Entry numbers: The 2010 IPPY Awards had 3,150 entries in the national categories and 740 regional entries. So, 3,890 total entries and 347 total medals. Winners came from 42 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, 7 Canadian provinces, and 6 countries overseas.