World Reading Habits in 2020
How the coronavirus has changed our reading habits
Coronavirus has obviously been a massive challenge for the world in 2020.
But if you’re a person who looks for silver linings and enjoys a good book, this fascinating infographic from Global English Editing will be right up your alley.
They did a deep-dive into all things related to reading in 2020 and found several things worth celebrating. For example:
• 35% of people said they read more books this year because of the pandemic and 14% of people said they read significantly more
• Visits to book and literature e-commerce sites saw an increase of 8.5% once the pandemic hit
• The generation that had the biggest uptick in their reading habits were Millennials with 40% reading more due to coronavirus
• While social distancing may have kept some couples apart, romance books flew off the (digital) shelf.
One thing is abundantly clear — books were a welcome distraction for many of us in 2020.
For more interesting facts about the world’s reading habits this year, including which countries have been reading the most, check out the infographic below, or online at https://geediting.com/world-reading-habits-2020/.