
Showing 1 through 25 of 2322 archived articles.    Next

Audio Publishing Conference Held in Conjunction with BEA in Washington, D.C.

Vol. 24 - Issue 4

Inspired Writing and Publishing

Vol. 24 - Issue 3

Rose Rosetree taps into Higher Power to create Inspirational Bestsellers

So, You Want To Be A Hot Media Guest?

Vol. 20 - Issue 3

Here's What It Takes...Spotlight on Laurel Howanitz's HOT GUEST PR

Versaware, Lightning Source Alter eBook Landscape With Groundbreaking Digital Alliance

Vol. 18 - Issue 8

Two eContent Leaders Will Exchange Services to Meet Growing Demand.

"Don't Sever a High-Tech Lifeline for Musicians"

Vol. 21 - Issue 2

Janis Ian speaks out for file-sharing in L.A. Times

"Fascination Comics" Builds On Last Year's Success at Frankfurt Book Fair

Vol. 19 - Issue 9

Well-known guests such as Art Spiegelman and Moebius, diversity of contents from authors' comics to mangas, exhibitions, autographing sessions and debates provide an overview of this popular market.

"I Love My Independent Bookstore Because..." Contest Announced

Vol. 18 - Issue 1

Peanut Butter and Jelly Press of Newton, MA has announced the first ever "Independent Bookstore Contest," and is offering a monthly prize (a $50 bookstore gift certificate) for the best answer to the ...

"We, The Screenwriter" now shooting...

Vol. 19 - Issue 10

Documentary features 20 of today's leading feature-length and episodic television entertainment writers.

1, 2, 3: How to Reach Your Writing Goals

Vol. 35 - Issue 8

Advice from an Award-Winning Author

10 Authors to Ignite Your Inner Travel Writer

Vol. 35 - Issue 11

An IPPY Winner's List

10 Great Gifts for Book Lovers

Vol. 36 - Issue 12

Get Bookish This Holiday Season

10 Latino Books That Go Beyond the Latino Label

Vol. 36 - Issue 1

Recommendations from an IPPY Winner

10 Must-Read Childrens Books

Vol. 38 - Issue 4

Oh the Places You'll Go!

10 Reasons Why You Should Write Your Memoir Now

Vol. 36 - Issue 11

10 Things Every Author Should Do this Month

Vol. 33 - Issue 12

Tips for Optimizing Your Writing Career

10 Things Every Author Should Do this Month

Vol. 35 - Issue 8

Tips for Optimizing Your Writing Career

10 Things I Hate About the Holidays

Vol. 27 - Issue 10

It Helps to Have a Sense of Humor...

10 Things to Remember When Writing a Series

Vol. 35 - Issue 2

Tips on Writing from an IPPY-Winning Author

10 Top Techniques for Perfecting Your Prose So You Can Write Like a Pro

Vol. 27 - Issue 1
